
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 2/22

This question has been on my mind, Lord:
    Of all I that I prize and possess,
    of all that consumes my time,
    of all that I fear and grieve,
    of all that troubles and worries me
        - of all of this, Lord -
    what will I have to offer
        on that last day
    when I stand before you,
        knocking on heaven's door?
Well, there are some things I know!
My hands will be empty
    as well as my pockets,
        not to mention my wallet and purse...
I'll  have no belongings, 
    no bling, stuff or toys, 
        no smart phone clutched in my hand...
I'll be naked and bare, fully exposed, 
    with nothing to cloak
        my failings and sins...
My achievements, degrees,
    my titles and honors,
        will be of no merit or value...
And I know this, too...
I'll have but my heart, Lord,
    my spirit, my soul,
        to offer to you as my gift...
Nothing is mine, Lord,
    save what you gave me
        to cherish, to nourish and share...
So I pray on that day, Lord
    when I come a-knocking,  
that my heart be as pure as it might be,
    my spirit be filled with your saving grace
        and my soul be awash in your mercy
for of all I have I can only offer
    what was first your blessing, 
        your gift to me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Take, Lord, Receive by John Foley, S.J.

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Take, Lord, receive, all my liberty.
My memory, understanding, my entire will!

Give me only your love and your grace,
that's enough for me!
Your love and your grace are enough for me!

Take Lord, receive, all I have and possess.
You have given all to me, now I return it.

Take Lord receive, all is yours now.
Dispose of it, wholly according to your will.

Please pray for Pope Francis

It's a very old tradition that when asked to pray for someone, we pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.  Please join me in offering those three prayers for Pope Francis whose medical condition is critical.
Our Father, who art in heaven, 
   hallowed be thy name. 
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
   on earth, as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread 
   and forgive us our trespasses 
   as we forgive those who trespass against us; 
and lead us not into temptation, 
   but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, 
   pray for us sinners now
      and at the hour of our death.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.




Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 2/22

Slow me down, Lord,
and teach me to live
with all that's mine:
with my problems, my worries, 
my fears...

Slow me down, Lord,
and remind me that, indeed:
you're with me,
you're close to my heart
and you'll deliver me -
all in your good time...

Give me wisdom, Lord,
to discover the ways
you're mending my heart
and making me whole...

Give me patience, Lord,
to trust all the ways
you're working within me
without my even knowing...
And open my eyes to those by my side
whose gentle touch
is mending my heart,
day by day by day...
When things move slowly
(as t I keep time)
let me see the ways,
the simple ways,
you're leading me out of my shadows, Lord,
and into a place of peace... 
Help me trust you, Lord,
as I live this day
in your good time,
in your good love,
in the shelter 
of your strong arms...







This year's Pocket Cross for Lent!

Ash Wednesday is March 5 - that's less than two weeks away!

As I have in the past (beginning back in 2012!) I'm pleased to offer you a pocket Cross: a simple, personal, daily reminder of the Lenten season and your own plans for living that season. Here's the inscription for this year's pocket Cross:
If you would like a pocket Cross, please send me a STAMPED self-addressed envelope. I would suggest putting TWO first class stamps on the return envelope to insure that your Cross isn't returned to me for insufficient postage.
If you're requesting more than one Cross, please provide individual return envelopes - so that postage doesn't become an issue. 
Please send your stamped, self-addressed envelope(s) to:
Fr. Austin Fleming
124 Cochituate Road
Wayland, MA 01778
There is NO CHARGE for these Crosses! Please do NOT send cash or checks! If you're moved to be generous - consider making a donation to your favorite charity - or mine: Health Equity International.  Just please do NOT send ANY cash or checks to me!
The sooner you send your request, the better chance I have of getting your Cross to you by Ash Wednesday!




NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 2/21

I can't believe I almost missed it, Lord:

So, tonight I want to thank you:
    for sweets that bring comfort,
        contentment and joy! 

    for pastries 
        disguised as breakfast fare!
    for treats, cakes and muffins,
        delighting my palate! 

    for all things syrupy, gooey 
        and sacchariferous!
And I thank you, too
for that sweetness that comes 
    with no empty calories,
    no threat of cavities,
    no "sugar highs"
    and no excess weight...

Thank you, Lord:
    for wholesome sweetness
        of friendships that last...
    the refreshing sweetness
        of a warm day in spring...
    the healing sweetness
        of your generous mercy...
    the tough sweetness
        of perseverance...
    the restorative sweetness
        of an afternoon nap...
    the holy sweetness
        of the gift of your grace...
    the healing sweetness
        of a friend's forgiveness...
    the revealing sweetness
        of your wisdom and word...
    the rewarding sweetness
        of a job well done...
    the welcome sweetness
        of a second chance...
    the calming sweetness
        of some quiet time...
    the restorative sweetness
        of a good night's sleep...
    and the welcome sweetness
        of your presence and peace...
Sticky buns, Lord, are sweet on occasion
but nourish me always, I pray
    with the sweetness that comes
        from you and your grace
    the sweetness that sticks
        to my heart, my soul,
    the sweetness of you
        in my life every day...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your sweet peace...


How Sweet It Is by Chris Thomlin
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All the stories ever toldAll the songs the world could holdNot a single one comes closeTo tell You what's inside my soul
How sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by JesusHow sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by You
The measure of Your love so deepCould fill the tide of every seaNothing else in historyCompares to what You've done for me
How sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by JesusHow sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by You

By You (by You, Lord)By You, Lord (only You, Lord)How sweet it is (oh)How sweet it is (I've tasted and seen)I'm loved by You (the goodness of Your love, Lord)By You, Lord (the goodness of Your love)How sweet it is (how sweet it is)How sweet it is
The sun will burn its final flameAnd every tear be wiped awayWhen I see You face to faceForevermore my heart will say
How sweet it is (how sweet it is)How sweet it is (how sweet it is)How sweet it is to be loved by JesusHow sweet it is (how sweet it is)How sweet it is (I'll never know a love like You)How sweet it is to be loved by You
How sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by JesusHow sweet it is, how sweet it isHow sweet it is to be loved by You





Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 2/21

   when you speak to me today,
      help me hear and understand you...

Whatever you ask of me today,
   grant me the strength I'll need to do it...

If you confront me today,
   may I stand in the light of your truth...

If you humble me today,
   make me docile to your word...
If you lift me up today,
   help me stand tall in your sight...

Whatever this day brings,
   may I welcome and receive it...

Wherever, Lord, you lead me today,
   help me follow you, step by step...

If you challenge me today,
   help me meet you without fear...
If you would change me today,
   make me as clay within in your hands...

If you would heal me today,
   may I let go the pain I cling to...

 And as you help me through this day, Lord,
   accept my thanks and praise
     for your mercy and your grace...






NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 2/20

Looking back on the day just ending
I see, Lord, that at different times
    my thoughts were wise - or foolish,
    my words were wise - or foolish
    my deeds were wise - or foolish...

In fact, I see that
    with every thought I might entertain,
    with every word on the tip of my tongue,
    with every step I might take or  fail to take,
there comes the chance, 
   the choice and the consequences,
        of thinking, speaking and acting
            foolishly or wisely...

At every turn, in every place, 
    at every moment, alone or in a crowd, 
        hard at work or deep in prayer
    there comes the option, the opportunity
        to trust in wisdom or to play the fool...
And as you know, Lord, 
    and in the interest of full disclosure,
I'm quite accomplished at playing the fool
    and need your help in choosing wisely...
So for this day's foolishness, 
    I ask your pardon
and for this day's wisdom, 
    all glory be to you!

And I pray that come tomorrow,
    by your grace and with your help,
my prudence-folly balance
    will tip to wisdom's side...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


The Perfect Wisdom of God by Getty/Townend 

The perfect wisdom of our God
revealed in all the universe.
All things created by his hand
and held together at his command.
He knows the myst’ries of the seas;
the secrets of the stars are his.
He guides the planets on their way
and turns the earth through another day. 
The perfect timing of his ways,
that mark the path of righteousness.
His Word a lamp unto my feet;
his Spirit teaching and guiding me.
And O the myst’ry of the cross,
that God should suffer for the lost
so that the fool might shame the wise,
and all the glory might go to Christ.

O grant me wisdom from above
to pray for peace and cling to love
and teach me humbly to receive
the sun and rain of your sovereignty.
Each strand of sorrow has a place  
within this tapestry of grace.
So through the trials I choose to say:
“Your perfect will in your perfect way.”


Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 2/20

Two weeks from now it'll be Lent, Lord,
so this morning I'm praying 
you'll help me sit down, be quiet
and get a head start
on preparing and planning
what I'll do this year for Lent...

Or maybe what I really need to do 
is to sit down, be quiet 
and give you some room in my soul,
so you can get a head start 
on preparing me 
for what what you've got planned,
what you want to do 
in my mind and heart, in my life 
this Lent...

After all, Lord,
who knows better than you 
what needs to change in me:
    in my words and my deeds,
    my thoughts and desires,
    my appetites and habits,
    my relationships and affections,
    my prejudice and bias,
    my honesty and fairness,
    my selfishness and pride
    my integrity and loyalty...
Who knows better than you:
    how my heart needs rebooting,
    my path needs rerouting,
    my prayer needs deepening,
    my generosity needs stretching,
    my honesty needs honing,
    my passions need taming,
    my ego needs humbling,
    and my conscience needs fine tuning...
Who knows better than you, Lord,
    what things I should give up, let go,
        leave behind, sacrifice, give away 
            and learn to live without?

Who knows better than you, Lord,
    the time I could spend with you in prayer 
        that instead I waste in foolish, empty ways?

Who knows better than you, Lord,
    all I have - and all that I could share -
        with those who have much less than I?

Who knows better than you, Lord,
    how my heart might heal this Lent?
    how my faith might grow this Lent?
    how my ways might change this Lent? 
    how my hope and trust in you might change
        this Lent - and in my life...
You have a plan, Lord,
    a plan for me for Lent,
a plan for what you want to do
    in my heart and in my life 
        in those sacred 40 days...
Help me see and know your plan,
    your Lenten plan for me, Lord,
and open wide my heart 
    with your gracious, healing mercy...

Ash Wednesday is March 5 . . .




NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 2/19

I saw this meme on line, Lord:

Short and sweet, just a dozen words,
but oh-so-hard to do!
Accept what is?
Accept "what is" with all its messiness?
Its rough edges?  Its hurt, pain and suffering?
Accept "what is" 
when the last thing I want to acknowledge
is that the fix I'm in 
is my life today, 
the hand I've been dealt,
the mess I've made,
the way things are,
the reality of my existence
and the place, the very place,
the only place 
where you wait to meet me,
to make yourself present
and help me accept 
my life as it is today...
Oh...  maybe I'm beginning to understand...
But, let go what was?
"Let go" what I loved?
What I cherished and treasured?
What I dreamed of, planned for, 
prayed, hoped and worked for?
"Let go" what I want to hold on to?
"Let go" all things that glom on to me?
"Let go" what I need (or think I need)
to exist, to survive and be happy?
"Let go" what I cling to
- even those things -
that keep me from finding you,
falling in love with you,
from claiming and naming you
first in my life,
in my mind and my thoughts,
and deep in my heart of hearts?
To "let go" the people, the places and things
that I really don't need
without which I'd likely be
freer, more peaceful
and closer to you...

OK... it's starting to make sense...
But, to believe in what will be? 
To believe in what I don't yet know?
To believe in what I can't yet know?
To believe in a future 
whose length, breadth and depth 
are a  mystery to me?
To believe in a future I cannot see,
cannot touch, 
cannot predict, 
cannot feel,
cannot control?
To believe in a future
that well could be 
nothing like
what I've dreamed of, planned for,
prayed, hoped and worked for? 
To trust in a future beyond my reach,
out of my hands, 
distant, untold and elusive, 
inscrutable, hidden, uncharted:
a future known only to you, Lord,
who hold in your hands
the whole of my past,
my life as it is
and knowledge of all that I'll ever need
to become the person you made me to be,
to go wherever your Spirit may lead,
to speak and to do what your word commands
and to live forever
in peace
with you...
Hmm... it's all coming together...

Still not easy, Lord, 
but slowly, more and more 
I see the wisdom here: 
this is how things are, 
there is no other way
and in all this lies the truth
of who you are in my life
and who I am in yours... 

Accept what is...
    Let go what was...
        And believe in what will be...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

The Serenity Prayer Song
    by the Serenity Prayer Project 
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