
One Thousand Visits

Someone just registered the 1,000th visit to this blog. Given that A Concord Pastor Comments is still a few days shy of being a month old, I'm grateful for your interest and encouragement. I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it!

I've had the advantage of a slower summer schedule to get this off the ground and I hope that the demands of work after Labor Day will allow me time to keep this effort fresh.


  1. I am enjoying reading your blog very much. I have tried to use the direct e-mail to you, but I don't think it has gone through. I just wondered if you were going to add additional information to "My Complete Profile." When you click on it, it has the same information that is on the front page.

  2. Re: the email address... When I started the blog I wanted to keep "blog email" separate from "regular email" so I established another address. But folks were replying in the comboxes (yes!) and not through email so if you look at those early posts, you'll see I changed the direct email to my regular address: FrAustinFleming@aol.com

    No immediate plans for posting additional info about myself.

  3. I'm really enjoying this! Thanks for the time, effort and thought you put into it.

    When you retire you might want to be a food critic.

  4. You know, you could be both!! The Concord Pastor, and the food critic on the side!!

  5. Congratulations! That's an amazing number of hits in less than a month and a great tribute to the interest you're generating. There must be lots of folks lurking out there who haven't joined the discussion yet and I look forward to hearing from them too.

  6. Hey, Austin! You old techo-geek, you! Whoda thunk it? I started a blog after General Convention 2006 (http://auntscillysays.blogspot.com ), but I couldn't find the time to keep up with it. More's the pity. I think you're doing a fabulous job on yours. Good for you!

    I didn't realize you'd started it until my mother in NH emailed me to ask if I was reading it. It's possible she has just a little bit more time on her hands than I do. ;-)

    Next time I go to P'town (and it's long overdue), I shall consult the archives here first for restaurant recommendations. My question is, are you getting a kickback from the local (to Concord area) places you're plugging at the same time? They should at least pick up your next check themselves.

    So, good job, old friend, and keep up the great work.


  7. Since I am not a techo-geek, I have a question...when a new comment comes in how do you know? Is it color-coded on your end, Concord Pastor? I have been looking back to see if new comments have come in, but it is very time-consuming to do this. Especially, as your blog is growing so fast, is there an easy way to know if new comments come in? Thanks.


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and PRAY before you think!