
Keep God's word in this way...

Image from the International Sand Sculpture Festival 2003

The scripture for Word for the Week of September 2 (sidebar) is shorter than usual but filled with potential for prayer and reflection nonetheless. In praying with this scripture, you might consider these reflections, drawn from very different sources.

Where is God’s word to be kept?
Obviously, in the heart, as the prophet says,

"I have hidden your words in my heart,

so that I may not sin against you.

Keep God’s word in this way.
Let it enter your very being,

let it take possession of your desires
and your whole way of life.
Feed on goodness
and your soul will delight in richness.
Remember to eat your bread
or your heart will wither away.
Fill your soul with richness and strength.

If you keep the word of God in this way,
it will also keep you.

-St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Lord Jesus,
take possession of my desires:
tame them, heal them,
shape them, mold them,
use them for your glory.

Take possession of my desires,
the rest of my day,
and my whole way of life.

- ConcordPastor

They say that it's never too late,
you don't get any younger

Well, I better learn how to starve the emptiness

- and feed the hunger…

- Indigo Girls

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