
View from your window: Taos, NM

Chili Ristra season in Taos


  1. I have been in Taos, a lovely town where many artists live. Thank you for supplying us your view! May I ask how did you come to find Concord Pastor's blog?

  2. As much I, too, am intrigued by how different folks find my blog, I think it might be best not to inquire of one another about that process. I want all readers to know that their anonymity is assured and even the answer to a question as simple as "How did someone from where you live find this blog" might be read as revealing more info than the commenter wants to divulge.

    I don't think Daisy was trying to do this but as the blogger, I want to make sure everyone always feels free to comment - or send a view from his/her window - without being expected to share any more information.

  3. Sorry. I stand corrected. I meant no harm. I just find it fascinating that people from far away make their way to Concord Pastor's blog. Other than Concord Pastor's and Cardinal Sean's blog, I have never tuned into a blog, so I was just curious.

  4. As I tried to say, Daisy, I know you meant no harm. And I'm curious, too!


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