
Need to stop and ask for directions?

Not sure where you're going?

Having trouble figuring out how to get there?

Wondering which way to turn?

Need directions?


Well, Lent is just around the corner and it's a good time to sit back, take stock, think about where you've been, where you want to go - and how you're gonna get there.

All those questions about directions are also questions about our spiritual lives.

Where's God in my life? Which path is God asking me to walk? Is God on the journey with me? Am I on the journey with God? Do God and I have the same destination? If I'm lost, will God find me? Will God show me the way to peace?

Lent is a season for pondering some of the questions we keep putting on the back burner...

Wednesday, February 6 is Ash Wednesday but today isn't too early to begin wondering about this holy season and what it might hold for you...


  1. When I read those questions ... it tells me how much I need "lent" in my life today. Hopefully, if I work with God ... He'll answer the questions.

  2. Congratulations on the win on best religion blog. You deserve it.

  3. Teacher: your congratulations are premature. I've only been nominated and the contest runs for months!

  4. congrats!! That's great news.

    Who's the competetion???? I'll make some calls.. wink wink, ROB


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!