
Word for the Weekend: Epiphany!

Now that I've got your attention! This image of the Three Kings is by James C. Christensen. (Click on the above for a larger image, greater detail.)

This coming weekend is Epiphany Sunday and the readings can be found here. Background material on those texts is right over here. It's a new year on the calendar and an excellent time to resolve to come to Mass as fully prepared as possible and that certainly includes having spent some time with the scriptures of the day.

Interested in that fish on the far-left king? Read what the artist has to say about it here.


  1. This rendering of the three kings certainly captured my attention...it is so beautifully colorful and rather "exotic" looking. Any ideas on what the significance of the fish ("swimming" by the shoulder of the king with the green headdress) might be?

  2. Good question, ned! I checked the link in the post and found "fish out of water" in many although not all of Christensen's work. After a little Googling I found an article in which the artist answers your question. I've posted the hyperlink in the main post - because I can't figure out how to post a hyperlink in the combox!

  3. thanks for the research Concord Pastor..Now I know I didn't miss some deeply symbolic meaning, and I can just enjoy the whimsical addition!!

  4. Same here, ned. After reading your question and before investigating I wondered if the fish (also a Christian symbol) was a kind of signature for an artist whose last name is CHRISTensen.


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