
Coming tomorrow!

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  1. I laughed out loud when I opened up your blog today! I love (no pun intended) this summary of Valentine's day. In the romantic sense, February 14, and particularly in early adulthood, seems fraught with unfulfilled expectations. Thanks for the laugh and the opportunity to recall infatuations, stuffed animals, roses, etc. Maybe I'll be a "secret valentine" for someone tomorrow!

  2. This made me smile as well... I know the angst associated with it..especially for teenaged and young adult women...it can be so lonely...
    One year when I had to be away on Valentines Day; my husband took our daughter, her roommate and 3 other college friends to Pier 4 for dinner and brought them each a single rose...nearly 8 years later they still talk about it...

    I LOVE Valentines day...I view it as another opportunity to shower those I love with a little something that they might like and would not buy for themselves; my daughters and sons-in-law cannot believe I still do valentines for all of them!!

    Of course my hubby and I always try to sneak away for a nice dinner and a good glass of wine sometime during the week..even if it's not on the 14th!

    Happy Valentines Day to all!

  3. Both comments above suggest that the hard time folks have with this day is mostly experienced by the young. As with all holidays and celebrations, the sadness on such days doesn't restrict itself to a particular age group. People of all ages may find themselves alone, for any number of reasons, on this "couples' day."

  4. I am in my fifties and hate Valentines Day. It's just another reminder that I am alone. Of course, we are NEVER alone, because God is with us. But I don't get a card, or an "I love you", from God. It's just a hard day for those who don't have anyone they can't say they have someone in their lives that truly loves them. All of you out there who do ... thank God and continue to love as you do. You are lucky!!

  5. I think Hallmark, the floral, candy and restaurant industries (lingerie, too?) make a fortune because of Valentine's Day. I recently read that it is second only to Christmas sales. I really don't care one way or the other whether people celebrate Valentine's Day or they don't. I just think we keep becoming more and more commercial. Think of what has become of Halloween! Ye Gads! What next? On the other hand, if anyone would care to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day, I would be more than happy to reciprocate!

  6. I wish everyone here a very Happy Valentine's Day!
    I tried to paste a picture of a hug, but was unsuccessful. I wish I could give a hug and a nice word to all of you who need it. Tomorrow I will pray for those who do not feel that they are loved and might have forgotten that God does love us all so much and wants us to know it.

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  12. Happy Valentines Day, Daisy!! You are obviously filled with God's love from everything you write on this blog. St. Valentine ... would be proud of you. :-)

  13. Somehow, multiple copies of one post appeared in the combox. As you can see above, I deleted the multiples.

  14. I laughed too! Well done. ROB

  15. Thank you, Grace. What a lovely Valentine message! And I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day too! Earlier today I was at CVS. In front of me was a teenage boy who was buying the biggest white bear with a red bow around its neck and the biggest Whitman's Sampler (4 or 5 pound box) I had ever seen. Ain't love grand?! I guess he didn't realize it was Lent and his intended might have given up sweets for Lent. This box of candy will last her until next Lent! I definitely think he must be smitten! Sweet, really.


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