
For the healing of the sick, let us pray to the Lord...

Christ healing the man born blind - detail from the doors of St. James Cathedral, Seattle

Each year, February 11 is observed as the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Everyone who reads this post is aware of family members, friends and neighbors near and far who are ill. Our lives connect with the chronically and terminally ill. We are painfully aware of sicknesses long waiting the discovery of a treatment or cure. Although we pray for the sick often, this one day is set aside for special prayers for the sick - and for their caregivers. On behalf of those who minister in hospitals, nursing homes and bedside settings, I ask your prayer in a special way for chaplains, pastoral counselors, spiritual directors and lay ministers of the Eucharist who attend to the spiritual needs of the sick.

Here's a prayer written for the World Day of Prayer for the Sick and published by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.

Jesus Christ,
Source of hope and healing,
Source of peace,

All over the world,
we are sending up prayers,
at bedsides
and at altars
and in waiting rooms.

Across the world,
we light a galaxy of candles.

for those tossed in the rapids of illness . . .
for those lost in the maze of addiction . . .
for those locked in broken bodies . . .
for those caught
in the dark night
of despair . . .
we pray.

Loosen the grip of pain
And soothe their suffering.
Throw open a wide way free . . .

a path of kindness
and compassion,
quiet strength
and sweet serenity.

All over the world,
we are sending up prayers...

Deborah D. Cooper
National Association of Catholic Chaplains


  1. Thank you to Deborah Cooper for the verse and to you, ConcordPastor, for posting it. I treasure that Ms. Cooper notes that illness comes in many forms and impacts the patient and their family/friends.

    I would like to ask, in response, to this prayer, that we also remember the wonderful people, both lay and clergy, who serve as spiritual directors at hospitals and other institutions. To an individual, they all go above and beyond for those they serve.

  2. Anonymous: while in my own mind I included the ministers you mention in "caregivers," I think your note is excellent and I've revised the post to reflect that... Thank you!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!