In a combox below, Soutenus comments and a subsequent reader inquires about Soutenus' blog, A Catholic Notebook, which I have added to the LINKS column to the right. Soutenous has directed a number of her readers this way and I'm happy to return the favor.
A Catholic Notebook recently included a post on "burying the Alleluia" for the season of Lent. This is something I've been doing for about a dozen years now. Our parish Alleluia banner was crafted by Peg Purcell who now sings her Alleluia with the choirs of angels and saints in heaven. Peg's beautiful work hangs in our sanctuary year 'round until the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. After the post-Communion prayer our cantor sings the Alleluia from Mozart's Exsultate Jubilate. During that piece, the banner is taken down from its stand and formally "shown" to all present, after which it is carefully folded and placed in a large cloth covered box and carried to its Lenten resting place, in front of the tabernacle.
Having already used the A-word to many times (!) on the day after Ash Wednesday, I've only posted a photo of the banner in its Lenten rest. We will not sing this word again until the gospel acclamation at the Easter Vigil when the banner will be taken out, again formally shown and placed back up on its stand. (And then I'll post its picture here!)
A few other things... Truth be told, we do this at each of our liturgies on the weekend before Ash Wednesday so that the whole parish can participate. We make sure that the repertoire for these liturgies offers a feast of the sweet word before we begin fasting from it. Even after retiring the banner, our closing song was Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth, to give the assembly one last chance!
P.S. Don't try the Mozart unless you have a cantor and accompanist who can truly handle it!
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