
Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

A prayer to begin my prayer...

Lord Jesus:
you are here now,
and only
because you want me
and want to be with me.

Lord Jesus:
I am here now,
and only
because I want you
and want to be with you.

Lord Jesus,
help me surrender
to your love,
your mercy
and your arms...



  1. Beautiful!
    Thank you!

  2. What a wonderful prayer for a very special "ECLIPSE" filled Lenten Wednesday evening. Please see my notes on your earlier blogspot regarding the eclipse/nature's show. My comment includes information about the Presentation Center in Los Gatos, CA. Hope you do not mind my making a recommedation on your blogsite for a wonderful group of RC nuns doing everything imaginable for the environment and social justice.


    Worth the trip or a reason to find a moment of peace and reflection, while on business trip , to one of the most frantic business hubs in the world. The center is better than any Spa!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!