
Working with the Word for the Weekend

David by Michelangelo; full image here

The first scripture for this coming Sunday's liturgy tells the story of a handsome, ruddy youth chosen to be the King of Israel - his famous face is above. The gospel tells the story of a man marginalized by society because of his blindness and poverty. The second reading identifies our own darkness and our need to see the light.

The fourth Sunday of Lent is also called Laetare Sunday. Laetare is Latin for Rejoice which we do on this day that finds us half way to Easter on the journey we began on Ash Wednesday. A similar Sunday occurs half way through Advent (Gaudete Sunday) and on both days Rose vestments are worn. (Holy Family folks may remember the pink roses that graced our Advent wreath this past Gaudet Sunday.)

Here's a link to the day's scriptures and some background material on the texts. And here's some tips for helping children understand the scriptures before hearing them on the weekend.

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