
A brassy welcome to Spring!

Just added to the top of the sidebar is a triumphant musical welcome to spring from the first movement (Andante un poco maestoso – Allegro molto vivace) of Schumann's Symphony No. 1 in B flat major, op. 38.

Question: why are pansies used as an image of weakness when, indeed, these hardy blossoms are among the first to brave early spring chills and seem to survive just about everything? We placed pots of pansies on our windowsills in church for Easter and I worried that they wouldn't last long being situated over the radiators and right next to the windows. They're still there!



  1. Pansies = weakness? Nah. Most of the pansies I know are really strong. They have to be to survive. ;-)

  2. Love the spring music! Very original.
    Thanks. I am enjoying Vivaldi's Spring as I work.

  3. Love your pictures!

  4. Ms.B: thanks for the "piskie wisdom" - so true!

  5. A friend of my mother's was a poet. She did a different flower poem for each of the 13 girls that were in her Sunday School Class. From "Bouquet"--Impressions of young girls in the Sunday School Class


    Saucy little pansy face,
    Crinkling in fun,
    Flashing out your colors
    In the morning sun--

    You're a lovely actress
    And lead two lives apart,
    For there's a world of tenderness
    In your velvet heart!

    -Sarah Cook Rawley


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and PRAY before you think!