Photo by Damon Winter/The New York Times
The complete texts of all the pope's talks and homilies are available at the special USCCB Papal Visit site. You'll also find links there to video of all the events during the visit. Video is also available at Boston's CatholicTV.
As you probably know, there is a fair amount of difference of opinion regarding the value and import of the pope's visit, what he said and did here - and what he didn't say and do, as well. I've tried to provide here an ongoing look at what the pope's visit might mean for Catholics from a pastor's point of view. I've given you excerpts from texts, links to the full texts and some personal comment on what has transpired.
I urge you to read some if not all of the full texts of Benedict's messages. I trust you will agree that those who judge the papal visit based on sound bytes, film clips and talk-show comments are not giving a fair hearing to what has transpired since last Tuesday. So many people, mostly-but-not-all Catholic people, have developed a respect and affection for this man over the past week.
About a week ago I invited you to pray that Benedict would open his mind and heart to the American people and that we would open ours to him. I believe that prayer has been answered and for that I give thanks to God. Now I pray that the good work begun in this papal visit will be brought to a fruitful harvest...
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