For the new Word for the Week I've chosen just a few lines from Sunday's first lesson from Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a.
The key to this passage is Moses asking the Israelites to remember and not to forget all that the Lord had done for them as they wandered for 40 years in the desert. Even today, this "remembering" is at the heart of Jewish and Christian prayer. There's an old Hebrew proverb, Remembering is a form of meeting."
In our own individual lives it's easy, even tempting, to remember all the troubles, the hard times, the difficulties. Sometimes we feed off this unhealthy diet. This scripture might prompt us to take a few moments in prayer to search our memories and hearts to remember and not to forget the good things the Lord has done for each of us, the gifts we have received from God, the blessings and mercies...
Here's a little exercise to get us started:
Who are three (or more) people in my life for whom I'm grateful to God?
What are three (or more) blessings I've received in my life?
What are three (or more) ways that I've experienced God as kind?
What are three times when I've been grateful for my faith?
Remember and don't forget:
The Lord is merciful, rich in kindness, slow to anger and faithful..
thank you for this exercise. I have started it- it's not as easy as it looks. I'm not finished, but I hope I never "finish" it- I hope that I will always have things to add to it. thanks again.