
Did you get that email from the Cardinal?

Cardinal Seán at Theology on Tap at Bad Abbot's Pub in Quincy: Photo from Cardinal Seán's Blog

You can already link to Cardinal Sean O'Malley's blog from the sidebar on the right. And now a new cyber-initiative from the cardinal offers another opportunity to stay in touch with what's happening in the Archdiocese of Boston. If you check here you can sign yourself in to receive a:
"Weekly Email from Cardinal Seán & The Pilot" that will include special messages from Cardinal Seán, content from Cardinal Seán's Blog, official from the Archdiocese, and links to current stories from press releases The Pilot, new programs from CatholicTV, resources for Mass & Prayer, a calendar of upcoming events around the Archdiocese and other helpful information to deepen Catholic faith life.
I'm happy to see that the archdiocese is making its presence felt in cyberspace and I hope this will encourage pastors and parishes to attend to this important way of communicating the gospel message and church news.

Sign up: it's informative and it's free!


1 comment:

  1. I signed up a few weeks ago and enjoy getting the e-mail from Cardinal Sean weekly.


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