
One dozen apostles

Image: The Last Supper by Simon Ushakov -- The call of the 12 apostles in this Sunday's gospel includes Judas since this is some time before he betrayed the Lord. Artwork representing the original 12 appears to be limited to renditions of the Last Supper at which the betrayer is revealed. You can easily find Judas here: his body language, the sack of silver coins and the absence of a halo all point to him.

Need to take a break to prepare for this weekend's liturgy? May I suggest, in light of Sunday's gospel text, a few days at the 12 Apostles Hotel and Spa? I didn't know until just now that there is a Twelve Apostles Mountain Range in South Africa, home of this world class hotel named for its geographical location.

Check out the readings for the Sunday liturgy and some good background material on those texts to help you understand them. The gospel includes the call of the 12 apostles and the ambitious assignment Jesus hands them for their work. Sunday's first scripture brings us an encounter between God and Moses on the top of Mount Sinai and one of the sources for the image of the Lord raising us up on eagles' wings. And St. Paul asks (and answers) the question: What has an all holy God to do with us sinners?

Got kids? Help them to prepare for Sunday right here!



  1. I am ready to check into the 12 Apostles Hotel and Spa....It is beautiful. Thx for the travel tip !!

    I will also check out the readings and prepare for Sunday. Thx for that too !!

    Have a great day.

  2. Do you think the RCAB could hold one of its stress meetings at the Twelve Apostles Inn? Hello spa...Goodbye stress!


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