
Word for the Weekend

Image: CleanWaterAct.org

It's Wednesday and that's the day for the Word for the Weekend!

It's never too early to begin to read, study, pray over and ponder the scriptures we'll hear proclaimed and preached on Sunday. June 15 is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Check out the readings for the liturgy and some good background material on those texts to help you understand them. The gospel includes the call of the apostles and the ambitious assignment Jesus hands them for their work. Sunday's first scripture brings us an encounter between God and Moses on the top of Mount Sinai and one of the sources for the image of the Lord raising us up on eagles' wings. And St. Paul asks (and answers) the question: What has an all holy God to do with us sinners?

Got kids? Help them to prepare for Sunday right here!

And if you'd like to pray with that image of the eagle's wings, look to the top of the sidebar for a link.



  1. No matter how many times I hear "On Eagle's Wings" I never tire of it. This was a beautiful version. The simplicity of two voices (one male, one female) alternating verses with guitar accompaniment. Thanks!

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying it - and I'm most grateful for your taking the time to comment on it!

  3. I'm technically challanged when it comes to the computer, or mabye it's just my computer; I'm not sure. But I finally could download this and loved it. As to many, this song brings so much comfort. Imagine flying on a eagle's wing!! I have flown, as many have, in my dreams. It's such a spiritual experience. Sometimes when I go walking when it's windy, I picture an angel just lifting me up and allowing me to fly. Someday ...I will fly. :-)

  4. Mary: You should be able to just click on the arrow to play the song.
    Did that not work for you?

  5. Yes, once I figured out that I didn't have to click on "download", I was all set. Thanks!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!