
Blog Inventory

The purpose of my blog is stated on the masthead above: Commentary on life and ministry in my parish, in the Roman Catholic Church and in the world around us. I believe that's a purpose worth the effort involved here and I remain committed to the notion that the exchange of views and opinions on Church life and teaching is a fruitful enterprise.

The main thrust of my blog is not political but there's no denying that this is the election season and it's impossible to ignore the questions, dilemmas and concerns the election raises for Catholics. Yes, you'll find disagreement here but you will also find the statements of the American Catholic bishops and links to other materials they provide for forming consciences for faithful citizenship. I am pleased if this blog is a place where those who disagree with the Church encounter documents and material offering what the Church teaches.

If you read the comboxes then you know they've generated some heat of late involving politics, abortion, moral imperatives for Catholic voters and my posting these topics. Some of the criticism has been quite strong and has led me to take an inventory of the topics and tenor of this blog and for that I'm grateful. It's been a helpful exercise for me to look back and take stock of what I've been writing.

(BTW: This is not the best venue for replying to concerns particular to the parish I serve. I encourage anonymous local commenters to be in touch, by name.)

Here are the titles/subject matter of a complete list of my posts going back a month and a half to September 1, 2008. I've color-coded the posts to indicate visually the areas this blog treats.
  • Green: posts on prayer and worship
  • Blue: posts on scriptures and preaching
  • Red: posts on election issues
  • Black: statements by the pope and the bishops
  • Orange: reflective posts and prayers written by ConcordPastor
  • Violet: posts on "other" topics
  1. Mon. Morning Offering (October 13)
  2. Sunday Homily
  3. An Archbishop for Obama?
  4. Post on Sunday scriptures
  5. Bible study series
  6. Gallup poll on voters’ priorities
  7. The debate that wasn’t a debate
  8. Yom Kippur II
  9. Post on Sunday scriptures
  10. Yom Kippur I
  11. US Bishops on Forming Conscience
  12. Questions for candidates prior to debate
  13. Understanding the Bible
  14. Reflection on meeting a grieving friend
  15. Mon. Morning Offering
  16. Sunday Homily
  17. Synod of Bishops on Bible
  18. St. Francis of Assisi
  19. Post on Sunday scriptures
  20. Feast of Guardian Angels
  21. Pope’s Prayer Intention for October
  22. St. Francis and Blessing of Animals
  23. Post on Sunday scriptures
  24. Second night of Rosh Hashanah
  25. Moments of grace in parish life
  26. First night of Rosh Hashanah
  27. Respect Life Month
  28. Mon. Morning Offering
  29. Feast of the Archangels
  30. Sunday Homily
  31. Post on Sunday scriptures
  32. Questions for candidates prior to debate
  33. New cathedral in Oakland, CA
  34. Reflection on God in the changing seasons
  35. Reflection on seeing an old friend
  36. Post on Sunday scriptures
  37. Reflection on changing seasons
  38. Mon. Morning Offering
  39. Sunday homily
  40. Post on Sunday scriptures
  41. US parishes reducing number of Sunday Masses
  42. Reflections on summer vacation
  43. Post on Sunday scriptures
  44. Bishop Favalora’s letter on discerning moral issues
  45. Mon. Morning Offering
  46. Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
  47. Sunday homily
  48. Post on Post-its
  49. Reflection on changing seasons
  50. Post on Sunday scriptures
  51. International readers of my blog
  52. A Prayer for Teachers
  53. Scriptures to ponder on 9/11
  54. Hymn and Prayer for 9/11
  55. Bishop Jerome Hamus on immigration
  56. Camille Paglia on abortion and Democrats
  57. Post on Sunday scriptures
  58. Bishops’ response to Senator Biden on abortion
  59. Mon. Morning Offering
  60. Feast of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin
  61. Sunday Homily
  62. Video of comedian Brian Regan
  63. Bishop’s response to Speaker Pelosi on abortion
  64. Post on Sunday scriptures
  65. Bishop’s response to Speaker Pelosi on abortion
  66. Poem by Mary Oliver
  67. Note on comboxes and spam
  68. Post on Sunday scriptures
  69. Three Prayers: for Teachers; for Students; for Parents
  70. Catholic ethicist responds on abortion and election
  71. Humor piece on the first day at school
  72. Pope’s Prayer Intention for September
  73. Prayer for when a son/daughter leaves home
  74. Reflection on September and Poem by Robert Francis
  75. Mon. Morning Offering (September 1)

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