
Waiting for the Word...

Annunciation by Henry Tanner

John Allen continues to report from the Synod of Bishops in Rome, meeting around the theme, The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.

Today Allen files a piece on Anglican Bishop N.T. Wright. His image of Mary as the model for our hearing God's word is a beautiful one which I hope I remember when Advent rolls around in just a few weeks. Here's a few snips from the complete report which includes links to previous reports from the Synod.
In any Synod of Bishops, the real star is, of course, the pope. In second place typically come high-profile Catholic prelates from around the world, as well as the bishops of dioceses of particular interest – such as Patriarch Emmanuel III Delly of Iraq – and, of course, powerful Vatican officials.

At this synod on the Bible, however, one of the “fraternal delegates," meaning a representative of another Christian confession, has more star power than most Catholic prelates in the hall: Anglican Bishop N.T. “Tom” Wright, the bishop of Durham in England, and one of the world’s best-known New Testament scholars.In a room full of people who devour Biblical commentaries the way others churn through spy novels, heads turn when Wright walks in the room.


On Tuesday, Wright finally took the floor in the synod hall. On a day when Pope Benedict XVI stressed the need to press beyond a purely secular and scientific reading of the Bible towards a theological exegesis, Wright struck much the same note – providing additional reason to believe this will be a key theme in the synod’s final recommendations.


Indirectly, Wright also endorsed what Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec, the synod’s relator, referred to as a new “Marian paradigm” for reading the Bible in the opening address of the assembly. Referring to “Mary as model,” Wright said she is the classic example of “waiting patiently in the soul,” which is also the posture of “the tradition and expectation of the church.” The church always awaits, Wright said, “the new, unexpected and perhaps unwelcome, but yet saving, revelation.”


  1. Just wanted to mention that I've seen this painting of the Annunciation before and I LOVE it!!! Something very contemporary, gritty and real about it...something very powerful and human about how Mary is depicted. Thanks for sharing it here...the images you put up are one of my favorite things on this blog, and I often use them for prayer with my students as well as for my computer desktop backgrounds!

  2. Would you be able to post any of the musical interludes done by Andrea Botticelli at the Synod? In an article in The Pilot I believe the first he did was Lodati Dei.


  3. Everyone reported on Bocelli's singing at the Synod but I've not been able to locate any video.

  4. I just looked at my comment. My, oh, my...my spelling leaves a bit to be desired! Is there an audio (not necessarily from the Synod) of Andrea Bocelli singing Bach's Lodate Dio?


  5. Time for you to start doing your own Googling, Rosemary :-)

    I think the piece you might be looking for is Laudate Deo.

  6. Before I added my second comment, I had googled to find the spelling used was Lodate Dio. (Andrea Bocelli sang in Italian, not Latin.) After your comment, I returned to google and found the video from the Synod. It was beautiful.

    So thanks for the extra google-prod!


  7. And thank you for the correction on the Italian/Latin issue!

    Now, Rosemary, are you going to share the Google link to Bocelli singing at the synod?

  8. Austin,
    I just googled Lodate Dio. The second entry is a video of Andrea Bocelli from the Synod on www.youtube.com. I am nowhere near as techno savvy as you are, so I hope this is what you were requesting!!!


    P.S. I think your viewers might appreciate this lovely respite from the political scene.


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