
A Blogging Pastor's Prayer on Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving by Norman Rockwell

Today I thank God
for the gift of faith,
that strength, power and source within
showing me the way,
guiding me in the dark,
making sure my unsteady step,
giving light for me to find the truth
and hope when all seems lost...

Today I thank God
for the gift of the Church,
that wounded,rag-tag, joyful company
of sinners and saints
whose faith (see above)
binds us together
and binds us to God...

Today I thank God
for all the people
around, behind and before me;
the people who gave me life,
shaped my life,
bring me joy for today
and hope for tomorrow...

Today I thank God
for the simple tools
I have for doing his work:
words, wonder, wit, witness and wisdom-
definitely in that order!

Today I thank God for you!
Aliased or named, anonymous or silent:
you are solidly one half of an enterprise
that brings me more joy than you know.
For being there, for reading, for commenting,
for coming back again and again:
Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!



  1. Today I thank God for many of the same things that you are thanksful for....especially I am thankful for such a a great blogging Pastor. You are the best.

  2. Concord Pastor,

    Nice prayer. Happy Thanksgiving all!

  3. I thank God for giving people the ability to understand and create internet technology. Through this convenience,when used properly,we have the ability to learn many things about our world and our faith. As a result, we become closer to God and to each other, no matter how far apart we live. Thank you for this blog!
    Happy thanksgiving!

  4. ...and I thank God for YOU.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!