
Daily Prayer in Lent - Ash Thursday

Word for the Season
Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart...
Joel 2:12

Word for the Day

If you obey the commandments of the LORD,
loving him and walking in his ways,
you will live
and the LORD, your God, will bless you...
I have set before you life and death,
blessing and curse.
Choose life, then, that you may live,
by loving the LORD, your God...
(see today's readings for Deuteronomy 30:15-20)

It makes so much sense to choose the blessing
but 0h-how-sweet the curse can sometimes smell!
So persuasively seductive...
Too often I choose for the moment
with little thought of tomorrow
and its consequences...
I take the easy way out
or I settle quickly for the cheap imitation
when, with patience, I might have had the real thing...
Life stares me in the face but I let it pass me by,
choosing death by bits and pieces...

I return to you today, Lord,
with a heart that often chooses poorly and selfishly...
Give me wisdom
to seek, to know and to choose
what is good, true, whole and pure...
Make me hungry for life
and thirsty for joy...
Allow no curse to tease and tempt me -
and let no grace escape my notice...
Give me strength to walk in your ways
and to choose the blessings, the life
you set before me...
I trust you, Lord,
and pray you will trust me
to return to you this Lent, day by day,
with my whole heart...
Amen. 2009LentPostCollection

Image: Gwen Meharg



  1. Thanks for the daily prayers. The cross and the daily prayers keep LENT in my mind and heart each day. Of course it has only been 2 days !! 38 to go.....Peace.

  2. Regards the Cross "anonymous" refers to above: in addition to ashes yesterday we offered everyone a simple wooden Cross on a cord, to be worn or kept in a place where it might serve as a daily reminder of Lent.


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and PRAY before you think!