
Absolutely, unequivocally and publicly...

Vatican Demands Holocaust Denier Publicly Recant
By Rachel Donadio/New York Times

ROME — Responding to global outrage, especially in Pope Benedict XVI’s native Germany, the Vatican for the first time on Wednesday called on a recently rehabilitated bishop to take back his statements denying the Holocaust.

Late last month, the pope revoked the excommunication of four schismatic bishops, including British-born Richard Williamson, who in an interview broadcast last month denied the existence of the Nazi gas chambers.

A statement issued on Wednesday by the Vatican Secretariat of State said that Bishop Williamson “must absolutely, unequivocally and publicly distance himself from his positions on the Shoah,” or Holocaust, which it said were “unknown to the Holy Father at the time he revoked the excommunication.”

The unsigned statement seemed a clear indication that the Vatican was facing an internal and external political crisis.

The statement from the Secretariat of State noted Benedict’s remarks last week in which he expressed his “full and unequivocal solidarity” with Jews and condemned all Holocaust denial, yet it went far beyond the pope’s earlier remarks in which he had never mentioned Bishop Williamson by name.

The statement from the Vatican on Wednesday also sought to address significant lingering questions about what conditions the society would have to meet before being fully welcomed back into the fold. It stated that the society would have to offer its “full recognition of the Second Vatican Council” in order to receive “recognition” by the church.

(read the complete report)

(Zenit has an unofficial translation from the Italian original of this statement)

Image: logo from Richard Williamson's blog, Dinoscopus


  1. This is good news...

  2. It will be interesting to see how Bishop Williamson responds. It appears to me as I read through the stories in connection with this matter that the curia seems to be either dysfunctional and clumsy or perhaps so interested in appearing to be in the know that certain cardinals in order to be in the limelight have left out the pope and some cardinals who should have been an integral part of the process from the beginning. I wonder if a few heads will roll.

  3. Heads NEVER roll in the Vatican! The Pope should have known about the Bishop's statements! I assume nothing will happen.

  4. ......and the Pope didn't know about Bishop Williamson's statements about the Holocaust???
    Hmmmm...talk about poor communication.....and how much would you like to sell the London Bridge for??


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