
Daily Prayer in Lent - Tuesday, Week Two

Word for the Season
Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart...
Joel 2:12

Word for the Day

Do not be called 'Master';
you have but one master, the Christ.
The greatest among you must be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled;
but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
(see today's readings for Matthew 23 )

One of the pope's titles is
servus servorum Dei:
he is the servant of the servants of God...

In the gospel view of life
there is only one Master: Jesus.
The rest of us are his servants
and therefore servants of one another...

What part of yesterday, of last week,
of last month, of last year
found me serving the needs of Christ?
serving the needs of others?

I return to you this day, Lord,
with a heart branded in baptism
as a servant's heart
but I know I don't always live
by the brand name I bear...

Give me a servant's heart, Lord,
a heart like your own...

Give me a heart attentive to the needs
of those whose paths cross mine every day...

Give me a heart attentive to the needs
of those whose paths do not cross mine
because the boundaries of culture and class
keep us apart...

Give me a heart this Lent, Lord,
generous in responding to the poorest of the poor,
those who have nothing while I, each day,
truly have more than I need...

Give me a heart that hears the cry of the poor, Lord,
a heart that hears and answers their pleas for help...

I trust you, Lord,
and pray you will trust me
to return to you this Lent, day by day,
with my whole heart...
Amen. 2009LentPostCollection

Here's the familiar song The Cry of the Poor. This recording is by the Brothers of Charity of Sri Lanka who have, themselves, heard the cry of the poor in their work with the mentally handicapped of their own country. There's something about hearing their rendering of this song that's more soulfully genuine than any other I've heard...

Image: Gwen Meharg


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