
Spring cleaning for kitchens and souls

Image by Photobucket

This afternoon in an unexpected window of suddenly free time, I cleaned off my kitchen table.

That will not sound terribly interesting to you since you hadn't seen the state of my kitchen table: a flat surface piled with notes, books, old newspapers and magazines, file folders, receipts, pens, pencils, napkins and unopened third class mail. The photo above is my kitchen table in its spring-cleaned state.

Then there's the matter of the desk, bureau and chest of drawers in my bedroom...

Anyone else (north of the equator) doing a little spring cleaning?

I think it's good the soul. Well, at least I know it's good for my soul!



  1. It is the best feeling -- and it's not the same when someone (i.e., a cleaning service making it LOOK clean with well intentioned piles) does it FOR us....some things we just have to up and do for ourselves....

  2. Excellent prep for Passover! You're honoring your Jewish heritage!!

  3. Did you intend to put a photo of your actual cleaned off table?

    I recently cleaned off the table where I have my computer and printer. Someone was coming to repair my computer & I was embarrassed at the dust that seemed to have accumulated!

    I also recently changed my shower curtain, which prompted a whole in-depth cleaning of my bathroom (pictures on the walls, etc.) It is a good feeling to tackle these spring cleaning projects. Wish the spirit would move me more frequently!


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