
Word for the Weekend - March 8

Abraham and Isaac: sculpture by George Segal

It's never too early in the week to begin preparing to hear the scriptures at the coming weekend's Mass - and there's no better way to prepare for celebrating the Sunday liturgy than by praying over the scriptures for that day.

Readings and background material for the Second Sunday of Lent are here and hints for helping children to prepare to hear the Lord's word are here.

The contemporary rendering of Abraham and Isaac in the Segal sculpture above heightens the immediacy of this weekend's startling story. (Click on the image for a larger version)

This Sunday's first lesson offers the Genesis story of Abraham and Isaac which we'll hear again at the Easter Vigil. In either setting - it's not easy to listen to or to understand! The second lesson, from Romans, offers a theological reflection on God's not sparing his own Son - recalling immediately the Genesis text. As is always the case, the gospel for the Second Sunday of Lent is an account of the transfiguration of Christ .



  1. Time flies. It seems as if it was only a few months ago - not a whole year - that these were the readings for the Second Sunday in Lent. I still struggle with Abraham willing to kill his own son.

  2. Slight correction on the comment by "anonymous" --

    The last time you heard this passage was probably at the Easter Vigil last year - this text (actually a longer pericope) is one of the Vigil readings. It only shows up on the Second Sunday of Lent every three years.

  3. Thank you for correcting me!


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and PRAY before you think!