
On the angels' side and not afraid of demons

Here are some snips from a review of the new film, Angels and Demons:
"a gigantic and smart commercial operation" filled with "stereotyped characters..."

"dynamic direction" and "magnificent reconstruction" of locations like St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel...

"more than two hours of harmless entertainment, which hardly affects the genius and mystery of Christianity..."

"a videogame that first of all sparks curiosity and is also, maybe, a bit of fun..."
The source of these comments? L'Osservatore Romano, the daily paper of the Vatican!

At last, an ecclesial response which just might not provide unintended advertising for a film (or play or book) that takes capricious liberties with history and fact.

H/T to Cathy Kaveny at dot.Commonweal for the link to the AP report (and the full story).



  1. I read the book after the Divinci code book came out. For ficton it's a great read.

  2. I enjoyed the book despite the fact that it was not great literature. Not every book has to be to keep my attention. It's a fun read and entertaining fiction. I'm looking forward to the movie.

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  4. I don't know where I read Cardinal Sean's take on "Angels and Demons" (his blog, The Pilot, The Boston Globe?) but in the piece he'd written he said that the filmmakers were denied access to the interior of his (Cardinal Sean O'Malley's) titular church (Santa Maria della Vittoria) in Rome. He didn't say who made the decision not to allow filming inside. And he didn't say if filming of the exterior was allowed. Inside the basilica is a magnificent Bernini statue called "Ecstasy of St. Theresa." Apparently, the basilica and statue are on the "Angels and Demons" tour of Rome. Cardinal Sean imagined that the statue would be in the film despite the fact the actual statue wasn't allowed to be filmed. Photo shop?!

    He said he had asked if he could bring the statue back to Boston, but was told that Napoleon had tried to take it and he was denied as well!

    I haven't read the book but plan to see the movie mainly for the sights of Rome.



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