The eleven apostles "gave lots" to determine if Barsabas or Matthias would replace Judas. This icon depicts this scene, indicating that the scrolls were somehow involved in choosing.
Some readers live where the Ascension is celebrated this Sunday while others live where this will be the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Confused? Check here for clarity (changing the dates for 2009).
In either case, here for the scriptures and background material on them (clicking on the day your diocese is celebrating) and here for hints to help children prepare to hear the Word this weekend (also clicking on the link appropriate for your church's calendar.
Folks celebrating the Ascension might want to check my post on that day here.
If you're celebrating the 7th Sunday of Easter (just one week after that is Pentecost and the close of the Easter season) you'll find the first lesson taken from the Acts of the Apostles and the story of how a successor to Judas was elected (in the good old scriptural fashion: casting lots! This may have been a roll of the dice, drawing the short straw or perhaps the flip of a coin!
The second lesson is from the first letter of John and continues John's playing on the phrase, "God is love..."
The gospel for the Seventh Sunday is a pericope from Jesus' "high priestly prayer" for his disciples. (Be sure to read Larry Gillick's treatment of "the world" in his commentary at the St. Louis University site.)
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