
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

Just last week I wrote the following as part of my MMO:

I'm powerless this Monday morning, Lord,
just plain powerless..

I'm powerless over my friend's wait for a transplant,
powerless over the days becoming weeks becoming
months becoming years of waiting for a call
that does not come...

So I offer you my powerlessness
over my friend's need, Lord,
and I join my prayer to hers
that you will be powerful
where we are weak...

I'm pleased to tell you that this morning I received a text message from my friend's son, reporting that at 2:30 a.m. his mother went into surgery for a liver transplant (which appears to have gone well) to be followed (immediately) by a kidney transplant! Please pray for my friend that these transplants are successful - and praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Image: SerenityCourageAndWisdom


1 comment:

  1. your friend was in my prayers last night, and will be tonight as well...


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