
What does the Eucharist mean to you?

I asked this question in an earlier post and thought I'd offer my own response here...

The Eucharist is the reality that fuels my faith and gives meaning to my ministry.

The Eucharist on the Lord's Day is the heart of my week and my work as a pastor.

The Eucharist is the path I walk through this life, the sacrament that sustains my belief and faith in God.

The Eucharist is a narrative whose telling gestures, gathers, heals, restores, teaches, nourishes, blesses and sends forth God's people strengthened for the work God gives us.

The Eucharist is the heart of the faith community, beating out the pulse of God's life coursing through our veins. Without the Eucharist the Church could not live.

The Eucharist is home for faithful believers and the place where the unfaithful will return when their faith finds new life.

The Eucharist is the story of God's love for his own, a story ever weaving itself into the story of every soul born of God's hand. The Eucharist is the story of Jesus, summed up in word and deed and served to us as supper.

The Eucharist is equally meal and sacrifice, table and altar, upper room and Calvary.

Eucharist is the living link between our past, present and future: between this life and the life yet to come; between us and those who have gone before us; between us and God.

The Eucharist is covenant: sealed in another's blood that we might live; recorded in ancient books that we might know it; proclaimed, ratified and renewed every time we proclaim the mystery of faith.

The Eucharist is the Spirit reconciling us with mercy, nurturing us with wisdom, shaping us in holiness

The Eucharist is the presence of the One whose body and blood we receive, whose life heals our own, whose sacrifice makes us holy in spite of our unworthiness.

The Eucharist is Christ Jesus with us, until he comes again...

Images: Crucifixion and Last Supper by Dali (click on images for much larger version)



  1. Thank you for posting this - your words strike deeply into my heart.

    Thank you for getting the conversation started as you did also!


  2. Could not have written it any better. Many thanks.


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