
St. Anne, pray for us: a blog!

St. Anne and her daughter, Mary: image source

I'm pleased to recommend a fine blog for your reading pleasure and spiritual growth: St. Anne, Pray for Us, written by Missy Francis. Although I've been aware of this blog for a while it's only recently that I took a good look at it and I think it's a solid contribution to the blogosphere.

Missy Francis offers a range of topics, great graphics and good commentary. She's a 45 year old mother of five and wife of 19 years. Check out her profile and you'll see that she's a busy, committed parishioner as well.

As I've mentioned before, a family trip to the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre in Canada is a beloved memory. And, St. Anne was the name of my first parish assignment (1973-1978) and the name of my campus parish from 1982-1991. Both were wonderful years in my ministry and I'm pleased to be reminded of them each time I read Missy's blog.

You'll now find Missy Francis' page on the blog roll on the sidebar.

St. Anne, pray for us!



  1. It is funny - I was thinking of this earlier and wondering if you would add this most worthy blog to your sidebar!

    Now I am not unbiased, it was the discovery of Missy, in my other (now concluded for the time being) secular blog life, in the midst of a bunch of Episcopalian bloggers. I was so thrilled to find another Catholic... That she was such an intelligent, wise and insightful Catholic was a even better!

    Great to see this connection.


  2. St Anne, of course, is my patron saint. She has interceded for me quite a few times. Thanks for the link.
    Also,as a descendant of Canadian born grandparents,the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre is of interest to me. Many family members have made the trip but for some reason, not me. It's on my list.

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for the link up!
    When I was very young our family made regular pilgrimages to Ste. Anne de Beaupre traveling between Sault Ste. Marie, MI and Massena, NY for our annual summer visit to my grandparents. It is indeed very beautiful--I am happy to induce fond memories.


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