
Flag Retirement on Veterans Day

Photo: Orlando Claffey for Wicked Local

In a post below I mentioned the Flag Retirement Ceremony in which I participated on Veterans Day at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery here in Concord. The photo above shows Fr. John Murray, the last pastor of St. Bernard Parish before the two Catholic parishes in Concord (the other, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish) were suppressed and Holy Family Parish was founded in 2004. Fr. Murray is now retired but is busy helping in several parishes and continues to serve as the Chaplain of the Concord Fire Department.

Here's an article in the Concord Journal reporting on the ceremony and the tribute paid to Lt. Colonel Mark Merlino, a parishioner at Holy Family, recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq.

The article and this video will give you a good understanding of the flag retirement ritual:



  1. This is so neat how you can post the video so we could all see the flag burning ceremony. Thanks!

  2. That sure was black smoke!


  3. A number of the flags were nylon and the odor of burning nylon was awful!

  4. Does Concord need to institute cap and trade allowances?!



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