
Trusting Trees: a prayer for late November

Image by victormeldrewsyou

Every Friday afternoon
I have reason to drive into Boston and back.

Over many weeks, I've watched the trees along my way,
their green leaves turning,
painting the road's shoulders with a last gasp of color and beauty,
then taking a bow in a coppery brown farewell...

One night since last Friday
-I'm sure it was under the cover of darkness-
the trees quietly conspired and, all together,
shook off their faded frocks.

Now they stand bare
against the chill of November's afternoon skies.
They stand still without a hint of a shiver,
their branched arms stretching strong,
braced for the weight of snow and ice,
their December sparkle, their winter's armor...

Would that I were bold enough
to stand so naked before my God,
arms stretching strong
to reach the warmth of winter's love...

And I prayed, as I drove, for a tree's trust
that spring will come again and melt away the frost
to dew and life and leaves, green again...



  1. Fr., the thoughts you share here with us today reflect to us that you are indeed like the naked tree.

    You open yourself up to us all sharing your deep faith and your love for God.

    God Bless, and have an good Saturday.

  2. Lovely reflection. You have a poetic heart.


  3. Thank you so much, CP.

    This is beautiful and the perfect metaphor for my life right now. I think in the past I've been one of those trees where even though it's winter I want to hold onto my dead brown leaves! This year, it seems God's calling me to let go completely of everything. It is so hard to see myself more and more clearly as I am, and to trust that in this time of darkness He is still with me. I feel He's calling me to a "winter" of my spirit to just rest in Him, to even let go of so much that's given me comfort spiritually. Reflecting on your words has given me strength and hope! I know I need others to share my "winter" with and even if for today it's only through the com box here, it's a gift.

    Blessings to you on your journey.

  4. Really beautiful. Maybe you should change the name of your blog to "A Concord Poet Comments"! - MDR

  5. Great Poetry from a great Pastor. Thx.


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and PRAY before you think!