
Thesis, antithesis and synthesis - a new blog!

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis by Terrence Netter
(Click image for larger version)

Please join me in welcoming another Concordian to the blogosphere: Tom, over at A Third Moment.

About that moment... Tom gets at that in his first post with a nod to Hegel's trilogy of thesis, antithesis, thesis. But don't let that scare you off! As Tom writes,
To the extent this ‘blog helps me to work through thoughts and ideas, it will create synthetic moments. Sometimes such synthesis will come in the preparation of a post, sometimes it may come from the interaction of post, comment, and further comment. This means, of course, that comments are encouraged, whether in agreement or disagreement to the initial post.

The idea of synthesis implies change. I may change my mind and I hope you are open to doing so, too!
Take a look and you'll see this blogger's background in politics at work right alongside his love of contemporary lyrics and a knack for writing about the beauty in the day to day. In this first week A Third Moment took a look at the primary vote in Massachusetts, name calling in politics and reflective posts on a car ride with his son to see some Christmas lights and memories of his own dad stirred by a quarter found in a container of loose change in his car.

You know that Concord Pastor publishes a Monday Morning Offering and that Concord Carpenter publishes Wednesday's Tip each week. You'll want to check A Third Moment for a planned Sunday Morning Roundtable where Tom will "take a cue from the Sunday morning political talk shows and encourage discussion and debate on a topic (usually political) from the week. No spin, no point of view from me, at least not initially, just a question for your commentary."

As A Third Moment goes up on my sidebar blog roll, I encourage you to visit this new blog and welcome Tom to the 'sphere.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Concord Pastor,

    Thanks for the plug and the kind words. I’m having fun with it so far, and learning a lot. I didn’t know what I didn’t know!

    While writing over there at A Third Moment, I remain a loyal reader here!


    Tom (also known as Jack’s Son)


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!