
Prayer for Freedom in My Heart

Image: Taking Down Heart Walls by Gwen Meharg at HeArts Gallery

Posting the link to Finding Grace Within and the comment from my friend APC put me in mind of a prayer I wrote when I volunteered for prison ministry, a prayer I posted in August '08:

A Prayer For Freedom In My Heart

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
when I feel locked up, locked in and locked down.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
when I am walled in by loneliness.

Give me freedom in my heart , Lord,
when I feel imprisoned by my past.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
when anxiety holds me a prisoner of fear.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
when I am confined by days and nights
that pass too slowly.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
so that I can accept your word,
your forgiveness, your peace and your love.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
so that I can share with others
what you have given me.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
so that I can become the person
you made me to be.

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
so that I can thank and praise you
for all you have given me
and for all you promise me.



  1. I did prison ministry in Chino for sometime. We were only allowed to go into their hospital area. I will never forget how they changed my life. Thanks for this post.


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