Image by Tim Nyberg
Love, difficult and wondrous...
Today, March 19, is the 7th anniversary of the United States going to war in Iraq.
7 years, 4703 American and 1.3 million Iraqi deaths...
Lent is a time for pondering the words of the Lord, not the least of which is his command that we love our enemies. Here is a nugget of wisdom from St. Augustine:
among the commands of the Lord
none is more difficult,
and none more wondrous,
than to love one’s enemies.
(Augustine, Enarratones in Psalmos 118, 3; PL 37, 1524)
For the victory of justice and a harvest of peace,
for all who have died in this war, especially the innocent poor,
for all who serve and protect us,
for all who are in harm's way,
for an end to war and for our enemies,
let us pray to the Lord..
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