
Palm Sunday homily from Ireland

H/T to Rocco at Whispers for this link to the Palm Sunday homily of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland. Very much worth the reading.

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1 comment:

  1. Rev. Diarmuid Martin's homily was excellent. He is a bishop who truly is a pastor that knows the pain of his people and proposes a way through that pain to a renewed Church. How right he is that all of us must work together in community to bring about the changes our Church so desperately needs.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if each bishop worldwide would reach out to his own community in this fashion. There has been far too little reaching out by bishops to involve everyone in the process of renewal.

    Rev. Martin is a bishop to be emulated by his episcopal brothers and to be applauded by all of us for his enlightened approach to renewal of the Church.



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