
Monday Morning Offering - 96

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Fresh from Pentecost I am, Lord -
but still much in need of your Spirit
and your Spirit's gifts...

So, I offer you a confession of foolishness, Lord,
especially the foolishness of sin in my life...
give me your Spirit's right judgment to discern between
right and wrong, fun and folly, love and lust,
self-care and selfishness, humor and harm,
genuine care and gossip...

and I offer you my desire for the Spirit's gift of courage
that I might follow my discernment's lead
to make wise choices and good decisions,
good plans and selfless goals -
all with plenty of follow-through, Lord!

I offer you my weaknesses this morning, Lord,
and pray for the Spirit's gift of understanding
(at home, at school, at work, wherever I may be)that I might see how I should live according to your Word...
to speak the truth when a lie would be easier,
to speak out loud when silence would be simpler,
to act when doing nothing would cost me so much less...

to defend the weak when my strength might help,
to stand for what's just when others need support,
to do what's honest when others are cheating,
to walk humbly with you, Lord,
no matter what others may think...

I offer you my self-
centeredness, Lord,
and pray for the Spirit's gift of wisdom:
to see you in all peoples and in all things,
and to see everyone and everything through your eyes..
to see the truth as you know it,
to see your hand at work at all times,
to find meaning in suffering
and your fingerprints on every bit of my life
and on the whole of creation...

I offer you my pride and my know-it-all attitude, Lord:
and pray you'll give me the Spirit's gift of knowledge:
deepen my desire to know you and to love you...
make me hungry to know the truth of your Word
make me thirsty for your Spirit's life within my soul...
teach me to love the path you walk, Lord
and give me the desire to follow you...
deepen my love for our Church and its teachings -
and for any and all things that lead me closer to you...

In a world that often and easily forgets you, Lord,
give me the Spirit's gift of reverence...
give me a spirit of profound respect for you
and for the people you call your own...
make me humble before you, Lord,
and before my brothers and sisters...
give me a love for prayer, for time for prayer,
and give me a spirit of prayer
that leads me to rely on you
as my light and my salvation...

I offer you my tendency to rely on myself, Lord,
and pray for the Spirit's gift
of wonder and awe in your presence...
increase my desire to be with you
and never to be separated from you, Lord...
keep me from anything or anyone
who keeps me from you...
teach me to find joy
in knowing you are always with me
and teach me to find peace
in trusting that you are there
even when I cannot find you...

The gifts you offer are many, Lord,
and I need all of them - all of the time...

Help me to share the Spirit's gifts
with those I know and meet, Lord,
and open me to your gifts in others
whose paths will cross mine
this day and this week...

Receive my Monday morning offering, Lord
and open me to receive the Spirit's gifts...


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