
Without your light I would be walking in the dark...

As Pentecost approaches, these words from St. Catherine of Sienna image the Holy Spirit poetically and prayerfully...

O eternal God!

You are a fire always burning but never consuming,

you are a fire consuming in your heat all the soul's selfish love;

you are a fire lifting all chill and giving light.

In your light you have made me know your truth.

You are the light beyond all light

who gives the mind's eye supernatural light

in such fullness and perfection

that you bring clarity even to the light of faith.

In that faith I see that my soul has life,

and in that light receives you who are Light.

In the light of faith I gain wisdom

in the wisdom of the Word, your Son;

in the light of faith I am strong, constant, persevering;
in the light of faith I have hope:
It does not let me faint along the way.

This light teaches me the way,

and without this light I would be walking in the dark.

-St. Catherine of Siena

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1 comment:

  1. "...and without this light I would be walking in the dark."

    But- (I know, why does someone always have a "but"? Because we are human and life is very complicated and confusing... )

    So, but... sometimes we can be walking in the dark even when we have God- the light- or are at least working hard on that relationship- finding that light in our lives-
    Like me, for example- I am walking in the dark a lot and I am also praying a lot and looking for God, for the light...


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