
Homily for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Image source: ShannonDavidWooten

A Short History of a Homily

I was away for a few days for a wedding out of town. On my first day away (Thursday) I wrote my homily for this Sunday. I looked at it again after the wedding rehearsal on Friday night and wasn't sure that it communicated well the message I wanted to preach. Driving back from the wedding on Saturday night I rethought the homily and once home I did a major rewrite of it. I printed it out this morning before going to church and still wasn't sure of it. One of my deacons preached at the 8:00 Mass and he used one word that turned on a light bulb in my homiletic mind. Before the 10:30 Mass I scrapped my text and wrote a few notes from which to preach the latest redaction the homily that began on Thursday afternoon. Not sure I'm satisfied with it yet, but here's what I preached this morning.

Working from notes only, I have no text to post, just the audio - and now I've discovered there's a problem with the volume on the audio -- my apology!
If you experience the audio problem, too, try using earphones.

(Scriptures for this Sunday's liturgy)

- Audio for today's homily

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  1. Sorry to have missed your homily! Just couldn't get it any way.

  2. Not sure I understand your comment, Sarah.

  3. I didn't say that very well, did I? I meant to say, yes, there was an audio problem for me and I don't have access to earphones. I'll look forward to next Sunday's homily and hope for a better result for you...and me.

    Thanks for your blog. I look forward to it each day.


  4. Got it, Sarah! and thanks for the clarification. I hope I'll have that sound problem solved by this coming weekend.


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