
Mass for the Blessing of Rubik's Cubes?

You won't want to look at this site just after you've eaten!

H/T to Deacon Greg over at his Bench for linking us to this collection of bad (make that: really, truly, awfully bad) vestments: a blog aptly titled, Bad Vestments.

And don't say I didn't warn you!

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  1. For an awful moment I thought that photo was of you !! :)

    All I can say is that this could be worse- I am imagining that he is also wearing grey socks and Jesus sandals.


  2. What a hoot! I had no idea there could be so many bad vestments. I would have a hard time selecting which one bad vestment is the worst. But for the total number of bad vestment choices I think Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has to win hands down!


  3. Phil: I thought the exact same thing (that he was CP)- I had to look twice and more closely and then I was relieved that it wasn't!


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