
Word for the Weekend: June 20

Image: CapuchinJourney

Just realized I wrote this earlier in the week but then didn't publish it!

Time to open the scriptures and take a look at the Word for the weekend ahead and the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (no, it's not Fathers Day on the liturgical calendar!).

You'll find the scriptures and commentary on them here and if you're bringing children to church with you, here are hints for helping them prepare to hear the Word. (As a matter of fact, grown-ups might profit from the hints at this Sadlier site as well!)

The first lesson, from Zechariah, sounds distinctly Lenten in its imaging of a suffering servant. And indeed, this text prepares us well for Jesus' prediction of his suffering in this day's text from Luke's gospel, leading to the Lord's admonition that those who would follow him must deny themselves and take up their cross, losing their lives for his sake that they might be saved. In the middle reading, from Galatians, Paul reminds that we, the baptized, are all one in Christ, that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.

Now, if you're thinking to yourself, "None of that sounds very interesting..." then I'd especially urge you to click on the links above and spend some time with these scriptures. Surely, the Lord has a word, even words, for each of us and all of us as Church in these scriptures. Let us be prepared to hear them when they are broken open for our nourishment in proclamation and preaching this Lord's Day.

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1 comment:

  1. Perfect picture! I cannot imagine how these words could possibly be boring; they are so easily personalized. The commentaries help in that regard. Glad you remembered to post this.


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