
Of barns and (not) preaching on them

Red Barn with Ramp by Casey Klahn

Not too late to prepare to hear the Word!

The readings for this Sunday's liturgy and commentary on them (plus tips for helping children prepare to hear the Word) can be found at this earlier post. For another image and a strong, bracing quote from St. Basil on filling barns and closets, see this post.

This is the annual weekend when my parish will host a mission preacher who will speak at all the weekend Masses. It's one of those rare times when preparing a Sunday homily hasn't colored my whole week's experience. It's nice to have the time provided when a homily doesn't need to be prepared, but it also leaves a certain emptiness...

I realized this week how my homily preparation prompts me to post through the week on the coming Sunday's scriptures - and how posting keeps me focused on preparing a homily: a win-win, for sure!

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  1. I am glad that you occasionally (rarely) get a little extra time when you don't have to prepare a homily...

    but I will miss reading your homily this week...

    will you post something on what is heard in your parish this weekend?

  2. I waited to respond to your comment, Steve, until after I'd heard what the visiting priest had to say.

    Truth be told, he talked at the homily time but didn't give a homily. Rather, he gave a very good talk on the mission society he represents - but he didn't refer to the scriptures even once. I found this curious since this weekend's readings would have been a perfect scriptural source for preaching an appeal for sacrificial support of missionary work.

  3. Thank you- I appreciate your response.

    You and your blog really help to inspire and enrich my experience at Mass and throughout my week- thank you.

  4. Thanks, Steve - that's just what I hope to do with this page and it's a joy to read your comment!

  5. I also thought the scriptures this weekend would have been good to incorporate into the mission talk. Clean out your barn...send it our way...there are so many who can use the surplus we don't need, etc. I also thought a story about a particular mission site would have been helpful. Personal stories bring home the message you are trying to convey.



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