
The prayer of hearts, hands, words and silence...

Over the last couple of days this line has been popping up on FaceBook and I'm pleased to share it here:

God understands our prayers
even when we can't find the words to say them...

The images above speak silently, eloquently of our prayer at different times... Those hands tell a heart's disposition, a heart's prayer... Even when our mouths fail to find the words we want to pray... God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them...

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  1. Most of the time, when I feel lost and alone, I can't seem to find the words. Instead, I reach upward with my hand and then clasp onto another hand unseen.

    It helps. And I know He understands.

    Thanks for these images of hands that are so vivid in my imagination.

  2. How did you know ?!
    As I have awaited the Pope's arrival here in the UK, in the preceding days my heart has swung from plumbing the depths of doubt and anxiety about it all and yet...... and yet .... last night by the grace of God a shift took place ; don't know how to explain it in words but your post hits the spot in many ways. Also, once again we are in synch as a recent post depicting my fragmented feelings had some images of uplifted hands, open hands etc.
    Bless you and please join us here in the UK in our prayers for the safety and success of the Pope's visit.

  3. On a personal note here.... the last image, with the two hands open upwards.... With my recent broken arm/wrist, I can only open my hand upwards to 90 degrees max.... it is going to take quite a bit of physio before I can open both hands up again... My physio is an angel who is helping me work towards that!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!