
A psalmody of light and colors

Image: Weather.com

There's something different about the sunshine, these fine fall days.

Old Sol, still 'way up there in the sky, assumes an autumnal angle, warming an October glow on branches brushed to beauty: leaves alive in a light no summer's green could ever match.

The light's above -- but I'd swear the leaves all glow from within. In my fantasy, the trees are still warm with sun soaked in from August skies and only now returning heavenward: a psalmody of golden-bronzes, orange-reds and purpled russets.

And can it be that in patches this light rises in praise of its source? Driving down arbored roads it seems the glow is here and there but not everywhere and, well, of course - it's the evergreen backdrop gives the shade for the show of fall's finery.

Your light's above and about us and from every angle shines on us in every season. And your light's within, deep inside to warm us from our depths.

We join in the prayers of trees and leaves and lift to you a psalm of praise for the beauty you are within and all around us.

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  1. While this all goes on at home, I walked this morning in the equatorial jungle on the far side of the earth and equally appreciated the play of light on the leaves. The palette was more monochromatic than this, but the light bursting into the shadow is equally a cry of praise to the heavens!

    Thanks for a reminder of home...

  2. I don't know if this post is poetry or prose, but it is very lovely. Thanks!



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