
A new reflection in an old mirror

Photo: Dawn Morton

A friend and former colleague in ministry often includes her poetry in greeting cards and this year's Christmas card has just arrived.  I'm happy, with her permission, to share this with you...

The Mirror*

I love old mirrors.
Years of use and neglect
...........................leave them relegated
...............to the rummage sale.
I love them, nonetheless, for all their
..............distortions, chips and spots;
not so I can see my face -
It is the light I seek
...............reflected from their place.
But the Other Mirror,
...............the spotless One, whose provenance
bears the unmistakable mark of
............................before time came to be -
This is the One I gaze intently
..............as into the aura of pure light-
............................moonlight's path upon the sea, radiant dawn
...........................................dew fresh fallen on the rose
............................robin's eye, deer eye, all eyes that
..........................................dance, sing, sparkle
............................fire glow, sea spray, meteor showers and
..........................................all the constellations of the stars
..............making lovely festival of light!
I glimpse the wholeness, the All
...............beyond my grasp.
Then over me its ancient shadows fall.

- Sue Morton

* Wisdom 7:26

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1 comment:

  1. What a pleasant surprise to read this beautiful poem and find that it is written by someone I too have known for long time...AND it served as a gentle reminder that it has been too long since we have been in touch. I think I will tend to that right now...


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