
Patience, people!

How's your patience at this time of the year?
The second lesson from this Sunday's liturgy, from the Letter of James, has something for all of us hurried, harried folks!

There's still time to read and ponder the scriptures for this Third Sunday of Advent. Check this previous post for links to the readings and commentary on them.

(The quote in the image above is from Adel Bestavros.)

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  1. Thank you for this.
    I came across a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkings, entitled "Patience, Hard Thing!" that I found at

    Patience suits me well at the moment. In fact, I even find that Christmas is coming a bit too fast, not that I have gifts to buy or things to do. I just enjoy this time very much.

  2. I have the most trouble with the second-

    I think I try to compensate for this with the first-

    and the third is what helps me with everything.


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