
Preparing for Epiphany: Overheard in the caravan...

Magi 1 by Della Conroy

I've posted two samples of Epiphany verse: a poem by T.S. Eliot and a song by James Taylor.  

Here's my own contribution:

Overheard in the caravan,
going home by another way...

With myrrh, frankincense and gold we set out,

now empty-handed we're homeward bound.

Empty saddlebags on the camels
and our hearts full of questions…

Did we leave the presents
with the right king?

One king in a palace, warm, fine and plush;
the other in a barn, all muck and hay  – and oh, the smell!

But did we leave the presents
with the right king?

Oh, I think so!
Remember Herod’s eyes, envy-green?

But ah, the innocence of the child
who but cried and nursed and slept…

I think I saw him smile once!
And clearly, his parents needed the help.

No newborn’s parents would have turned down the gold,
but they were honest folk…

You could see it in her face
and in the way he cared for her and for the child.

They’ll save our gifts for when they need them
and mark my words: they will need them…

But did we find the one we sought?
Was it his star?  What if we were wrong?

His star it was, indeed: a star of mystery
beyond the wisdom of us all.

We may not understand but we know:
it was his star…

What next, then? What to tell the folks at home
of what we saw - and did not see?

And what will they think of us and our tale

of a manger throne in a barn of a palace?

They’ll likely think us fools and I wonder, still, myself
if we found anything or everything - or even more than all…

A trip we won’t forget, that’s sure,
nor him we found nor those we met along the way…

And the angel in the dream
with warning – just in time!

Now this way home,
another way…

A new way now,
the way of dreams…

So mind the star,
it’s still above…

But fading fast,
so keep the pace…

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  1. Fine poem -the end of lines just kept me tripping over eagerly to see what came next. Not predicatble at all given how well known the story is. Thanks Fr. Austin.
    Being snowed in has really allowed your creative juices to flow !

  2. Ah, Phil - I wrote this a couple of years ago and am reposting it. Thanks for your kind words - I'm especially grateful because they come from a poet!


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