
Monday Morning Offering - 127

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

The holidays are behind us
and the rest of January and 2011 stretches before us...

I'm wondering what I will make of this new year, Lord,
and in this new year
I wonder what you will make of me...

You know well the plans you have in mind for me, Lord,
plans for my well-being, not for harm or woe,
but plans for a future full of hope...*

As this year begins, Lord,
show me the plans you have for me
and help me make them my own:
mold me in your wisdom,
straighten any selfish bent,
and lead me to serve my neighbor...

When you call me to prayer and I come to you,
I know you will listen and you will hear my plea...

When I come looking for you, Lord,
show me your face and give light for my path:
direct my steps, day by day,
to your heart and to your truth...

Take away what keeps me from your presence, Lord:
make smooth and straight the way
that leads me to your side...

Help me to seek you with all my heart
and let nothing deter my desire to find you
and to rest in your presence...

Lift me up out of myself and into your arms:
let me know the embrace of your strength,
the power of your love and your healing touch...

Be the Lord of my desires,
of my wishes and dreams;
be the Lord of my priorities
and my daily planner;
be the Lord of my time for work,
for play and for rest...

Lord, make a time for us to meet every day,
you and I, to be together and to talk...

You never leave my side, Lord
and you shepherd my every step:
help me trust that in seeking and following you
I will find the peace for which I long,
the joy for which I thirst...

Make me mindful of those who care for me, Lord,
and of those whose paths cross mine:
help us offer and receive the gifts we have to share
to help each other along the way...

Give me a new beginning this Monday morning, Lord,
and make of this day, this week and this year
a gift of grace and a time to grow
in your wisdom and love...


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  1. thank you for this-
    it was important on Monday, and then yesterday, and today...
    and it will be tomorrow...
    (well, you get the point)

    I just need to keep this with me- and keep the Lord with me (or remember that He is with me, because I guess He is with me, no matter what I do or remember to do)-
    but I need to remember that too.

  2. Although they're titled, "MONDAY Morning Offerings" I'm certainly glad to know that such prayers stay with readers through the week!


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