
The gold of old friends...

Image: ZambiaMining

Most of us know the routine.

We run into an old friend we haven't seen for a long time, chat briefly and take leave bidding each other, "It's been too long - we'll have to get together" and "Absolutely, we'll do that!"

But we don't.

The busyness takes over and more quickly than you can say "good intention"  -  the encounter and the promise to reconnect are forgotten.

Recently I ran into an old friend, another pastor, whom I'd not seen in several years - or even longer.  We had the brief chat and pledged to email to set up a time to get together.

And we did!

We had lunch yesterday, a long lunch with conversation far more satisfying than even the great food we were served.  While we did talk some about things "back in the day," the better part of our exchange centered on what's happening in the Church: universal, archdiocesan and our own parishes.  And the heart of our conversation was about our lives and our own ministries: where we've come from, where we are and where we hope to go.

It was one of those times when a conversation, interrupted years ago, picked up where it left off and led to sharing on a significant level.  When it was time to leave I thanked my friend and said our time together had been like rediscovering an old mine and finding its veins still rich with gold...

We pledged that years won't pass before we get together again.  (And that's also something old friends often do.)  I hope, I pray and I believe that this time we'll be faithful to that pledge.

Is there an old mine of friendship you haven't visited for a long time?

Perhaps it's time to write an email, send a letter or make a phone call...

Indeed, there just might be gold in those hills...

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  1. Wonderful, very happy for you. It's so great when you can just 'pick up' where you left off many years ago. I hope that your conversations about the state of our Church were filled with hope.

  2. beautiful...

    it's not the time, just now, for me to do that- even though I do need to- but thank you for putting this on my not-so-distant future to-do list-

    I am very happy for you and thank you for sharing such a beautiful and picture-perfect story-
    they can't and won't always be like that, but you show that it does happen sometimes and it's worth trying for.

  3. Miss my old friends....
    Wish we could have lunch Austin!


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