
An iPad at the altar

Photo courtesy Don Michele Bigi via the AppleLounge

I have an iPad on order but I don't think I'll be using it at the altar to celebrate Mass.

But judging from these photos, that's what's happening, at least in Italy (story here and H/T to Deacon Greg over at his Bench).

I suspect the alfresco conditions contributed to Dom Michele's decision to go the tech-over-text route.  At least the iPad assumes a relatively discreet position on the table.

I do wonder, however, how an iPad might be used as a prompter for preaching.  I often do last minute edits on my homily between Masses which produces a text that's corrected but not always easy to read.

Have any readers experienced an iPad or other tablet in the sanctuary?

Photo courtesy Don Michele Bigi via the AppleLounge 

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  1. We have a different person give the announcements each Sunday, who are leaders of various commissions, committees and organizations. Some older folks: use a wrinkled up piece of paper that was in the purse or back pocket. Younger people: read them off their iphones.

    I must say that iphone almost looks nicer.

  2. Can't wait to hear how you like the IPad....I will eventually get one too !!

  3. iPad is a great resource, especially when the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal comes in a thick, huge book edition. It would be awesome if Vatican will have an apps for that. A poor altar server will have a much lighter load. I will definitely use iPad for evangeliztion. Why not?

  4. I can see a market for covers/jackets for these !
    At the moment people may want to advertise the fact that they are "hip and cool" by using them on the altar but as soon as thye become commonplace I suspect that they will be dressed up in some elaborate liturgical guise and I hope I'm not being cynical if I suggest that the choice of these will then become a source of conflcting views as to their appropriateness. So the world ever turns in circles. Vanity ! all is vanity !!

  5. There were Masses said before Gutenberg, so I guess the technology has already changed through the years. Why not use what is new? Does it matter where you read it as long as the message is the same? Go for it!


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